JAVYS, a.s. has received a grant from The Bohunice International Decommissioning Support Fund (BIDSF), administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) towards the cost of the project C13 “Disposal of Loose Radwaste”. The objective of the project is to create conditions for disposal of solid historical loose radioactive waste. The waste is stored in the building 839 and Arched shed near building 44/20 located at the Bohunice VI NPP premises. The loose radioactive waste is composed of mostly soil, concrete, debris, etc.


Project name: C13 Disposal of Loose Radwaste

roject ID: 9639

Funding source: BIDSF

Type of contract: Consultancy Services

Type of notice: Invitation for Expressions of Interest

Closing date: 26th March 2010, 10.00 a.m. Bratislava local time

Assignment Title: C13 Disposal of Loose Radwaste


BIDSF Project Management Unit, Jadrová a vyrad’ovacia spoločnost’, a.s.Building Nr. 750-IX-5, 919 31 Jaslovské Bohunice, Slovak Republic

Mr. Peter Graňák – Head of Decommissioning and PMU section

Mr. Juan Martin – Procurement Manager

Fax: +421 33 531 4600

e-mails: granak.peter@javys.sk, martin.juan@javys.sk


Jadrová a vyrad’ovacia spoločnost’, a.s. (JAVYS, a.s.) hereinafter referred to as “the Client”, has received a grant from The Bohunice International Decommissioning Support Fund (BIDSF), administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) towards the cost of the project C13 “Disposal of Loose Radwaste”.

The objective of the project C13 “Disposal of Loose Radwaste” is to create conditions for disposal of solid historical loose radioactive waste. The waste is stored in the building 839 and Arched shed near building 44/20 located at the Bohunice VI NPP premises. The loose radioactive waste is composed of mostly soil, concrete, debris, etc.

In order to meet this objective it is necessary to:

– define the volume of loose Radioactive Waste

– define their physical, chemical and radioactive characteristics

– develop a method for the final management of this loose radioactive waste

– develop a proposal for clearance of building 839 and Arched shed near building 44/20 based on the results of the characterization.

The disposal itself (transport to the recycling plant, dumps and Very Low Level Waste disposal facility or National Radwaste Repository, classification or fragmentation) is not a part of this assignment.


The assignment is expected to start in July 2010 and last about 12 months.

Maximum Budget available for the Assignment: Approximately EUR 200 000 – Exclusive of VAT.

Funding Source: Contract to be financed with the proceeds of a BIDSF grant, administered by EBRD.


Consultant selection will be carried out in accordance with EBRD Procurement Policies and Rules with the exception of country eligibility restrictions defined within the BIDSF Rules and will be open to tenderers from eligible countries as of 1st January 2010: the European Union member states, Switzerland and the EBRD’s countries of operations. The proceeds of the Grant shall not be used for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations or under a law or official regulation of the purchaser’s country.

Consultant Profile:

The firms shall demonstrate relevant project experience, knowledge and qualification in following areas:

• Radioactive Waste characterization;

• sampling of Radioactive Waste;

• knowledge of statistics;

• low level radioactivity measurement;

• certificates which declares that the firm is able to perform the assignment.

If a firm considers it does not possess all the required expertise for the assignment, it may consider forming a joint venture (partnership or consortia) with other firms. In such cases the Expression of Interest should provide the aforementioned details for each partner and an indication which firm is the lead partner.


Interested firms are hereby invited to submit expressions of interest.

In order to determine the capability and experience of consulting firms seeking to be shortlisted, the information submitted should include the following:

• Company profile, organisation and staffing, information about organisation, continuity in ownership, history of litigation for last 3 years shall be provided;

• Details of relevant experience (maximum 10 references) of similar assignments undertaken in the last ten years (the information submitted shall include for each project, as a minimum, the following: project title; contractual role of the firm, the presence of any affiliate or parent companies and their respective roles, location, start and completion dates, value, name of the Client, funding source, objectives and brief narrative description of the project, functions and tasks carried out and written references where possible);

• CVs of staff that could be available to work on the assignment;

• Financial Data. Audited summary balance sheets and profit and loss statements (or similar statement if the profit and loss statement is not available) for the last 3 years with explanatory notes with accompanied annual turnover summary and details shall be provided.

The above information should not exceed 40 pages excluding Financial Data.

One original and seven copies of the above information in English should be submitted in an envelope marked “Expression of Interest for C13 – Disposal of Loose Radwaste”, for delivery not later than 26th March, 2010 10.00 a.m. Bratislava local time to the following address:

BIDSF Project Management Unit, Jadrová a vyrad’ovacia spoločnost’, a.s., Building Nr. 750-IX-5, 919 31Jaslovské Bohunice, Slovak Republic.

One copy should be sent to the representative of EBRD to the following address: EBRD, Mr. Kees Ketelaar, One Exchange Square, London EC2A2JN, United Kingdom.