Study, design, fabrication, delivery, factory testing and on site installation of a partial or complete load block for the polar crane at the Doel 4 nuclear power plant.
Tractebel Engineering SA, Avenue Ariane, 7, Attn: M. Lennert Van Damme, 1200 Brussels, BELGIUM. Tel. +32 27738285. E-mail: Fax +32 27738900. URL:
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting entity: P.000625/2: Modification of the load block – polar crane at the Doel nuclear power plant.
Type of contract and location of works, place of delivery or of performance: Supplies. Purchase.
Main place of delivery: Electrabel S.A. – Kerncentrale Doel,. Haven 1800, Scheldemolenstraat, B-9130 Doel, Belgium.
Short description of the contract or purchase(s): Study, design, fabrication, delivery, factory testing and on site installation of a partial or complete load block for the polar crane at the Doel 4 nuclear power plant.
Lot 1: Fabrication and provision of a package composed of: crossbeam, lifting eye, nut, bearings and connection pieces compatible with the currently installed load block.
Delivery includes:
— Applicable for the lower part of the load block: nut, lifting eye, crossbeam, axial bearing, 2 lifting eye bearings, connection pieces:
— Design (based on original plans, components are to be compatible with the rest of the load block and must be in compliance with American nuclear regulations),
— Study, every component must be able to withstand to a 1,15x6x170t = 1173 ton load,
— Fabrication, transport, packaging and acceptance by a Belgian control commission,
— If necessary, the fabrication of certain secondary components needed to carry out static-type factory testing to provide similar loading conditions as seen in reality (pressure, friction, contact),
— Static overload test at 400 % of the MCL = 4x170ton = 680ton on the entire package of crossbeam – nut – lifting eye – bearings,
— Testing of the raw materials (mechanical and chemical),
— Full documentation reports with respect to design, studies, material testing and static load testing.
For more information on the load block, see documentation Lot 2.
Lot 2: Fabrication of a complete 170ton Single Failure Proof load block compatible with the currently installed trolley.
Delivery includes:
— Design (based on original plans, the load block is to be compatible with the currently installed trolley and must be in compliance with American nuclear regulations),
— Studies, the loading block is to be Single Failure Proof for 170tons which means it has to be able to support a charge of 1,15 x 6 x 170t = 1173 tons at the lifting eye, 1,15 being the dynamic coefficient and 6 the safety factor for non-redundant components,
— Fabrication, packaging, transport, delivery and assembly,
— Static load test of the components at 2×200 % = 4x170t = 680 tons,
— Testing of the raw materials (mechanical and chemical),
— Full documentation reports with respect to design, studies, material testing, static load testing.
The polar crane at Doel 4 is used for the following manipulations:
— Assembly mode: concerns the manipulation of loads without risk of releasing radioactive isotopes:
—— Mounting of the steam generators,
—— Mounting of the reactor vessel,
—— Mounting of various other components.
The load capacity for this case is established at 525T.
Exploitation mode (nuclear): concerns the manipulation of loads where there is a risk of releasing radioactive products when the charge is dropped. An example of this is the hoisting of the reactor lid for the replacement of the reactor fuel. During nuclear exploitation the load capacity is set to 170T at the central eye.
The crane has to be designed Single Failure Proof (SFP) according to the NUREG554 standards which means all components have to be redundant with a safety factor of 3 OR are not redundant but with a safety factor of 6. Safety factors are to include a dynamic coefficient of 1,15 and the maximum allowable stress is set at the elastic limit of the material.
The rough dimensions of the currently installed load block are 3120mm x 2450 mm x 1600mm: from center eye to upper two-blocking x width in transverse direction x width of the supporting plates. The load block is connected to the trolley with 12 cable pullies, which means 24 cable parts. Dimensions and calibration of these pullies must be compatible with the currently installed trolley.
The charge is connected to the lifting eye which passes through the center of the crossbeam and is connected through a nut and an axial bearing. The crossbeam is connected to the upper cable pullies through eight supporting plates. A structure is mounted above the cable pullies to attach the two-blocking. This functionality also summarizes the most important components of the structure. Because of the high load rating of the polar crane, certain components (e.g. crossbeam, lifting eye …) will have to be fabricated from high strength steels involving forged components.
Lot 3: On-site assembly inside the reactor building of the package crossbeam-lifting eye-nut-bearings [Lot 1] or, in extremis, mounting of the complete load block [Lot 2].
This lot can be either of the following both cases, depending on the success of the first case.
Case 1:
— Dismantling of the currently installed package crossbeam-lifting eye-nut-bearings,
— Design and fabrication of the necessary equipment needed for (dis-)mounting these components,
— Mounting of the newly fabricated package crossbeam-lifting eye-nut-bearings into the existing load block.
Should the dismantling of one of the individual parts composing the load block not be possible (e.g. due to a cold welding of the traverse to the load bearing plates over the years) one is to proceed with the replacement of the total load block:
— Dismantling/removal of the currently installed load block,
— Mounting of the newly fabricated load block as described in Lot 2.
O Options (if applicable): no.
O Duration of the contract or time limit for completion:
Starting 1.5.2010 (tender request).
Completion 1.2.2011 (delivery).
On-site installation: March/April 2011.
Starting: 1.6.2010. Completion: 1.4.2011.
Type of procedure: Negotiated
Award criteria: The most economically advantageous tender in terms of the criteria stated in the specifications or in the invitation to tender or to negotiate.
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 24.3.2010 – 14:00.
Language(s) in which tenders or requests to participate may be drawn up: English. French. Dutch.