Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (SRNS), managing contractor of the Savannah River Site (SRS) for the Department of Energy (DOE), solicits interested firms desiring to be considered for Davis-Bacon contract to closure of several process and storm water sewer lines (PSL) and related structures connected to Reactors P & R is planned for May.
The PSL are radiologically contaminated. Manholes, catch basins, open ended inlets/outlets, in ground tanks and other holding areas associated with the two reactors will be grouted closed. Pipe lines are not grouted except for what may enter during grouting of the manholes. The closure includes collapsing above grade manhole areas into the manhole, filling the manholes with grout/concrete, closure (plugging) of discharge/outfall ends and open catch basins and placement of any ancillary equipment into one of the tanks prior to grouting the tanks. Also require are erosion controls; testing; and demolition of frames, covers and all concrete.
Any company interested shall submit a letter of interest.
David McCowan,
Procurement Representative
Contracting Office Address:
Savannah River Site
Bldg 730-2B
Aiken, South Carolina 29808
Only firms who have a demonstrated safety performance equal to the following standards shall be eligible for award: 3-year average Interstate Experience Modification Rate of 1.0 or less, and a 3-year average Total Recordable Case Rate of 5.3 or less. Any interested firm who is deemed qualified to perform these services must become signatory to the Site Support Alliance Agreement and be capable of providing payment and performance bonds.