Westinghouse Electric Company and China’s State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation have signed a two-year extension of a nuclear cooperation agreement that focuses on continued deployment of the Westinghouse AP1000 nuclear power plant in China as well as service and maintenance, technology development and strategic investment.

The original agreement was signed in 2008.

Currently, Westinghouse and its consortium team member The Shaw Group, are providing four AP1000 units in China, two each at Sanmen and Haiyang.

Westinghouse and SNPTC have also announced a series of other cooperative agreements.

Most recently, it has reached agreement with China Baotou Nuclear Fuel (CBNF) to design, manufacture and install fuel fabrication equipment that will enable China to manufacture fuel for the fleet of Westinghouse AP1000 nuclear power plants now being built there.

Total value of the contract is $35 million. Additional terms are not being disclosed at this time.

The equipment will be sourced from Westinghouse and its suppliers in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Colorado, Michigan, South Carolina and North Carolina. It will be installed in a CBNF facility in Baotou, China.

Previously, Westinghouse had entered into agreements creating a joint venture to build and operate a nuclear-grade zirconium sponge facility in Jiangsu Province. Westinghouse has also, among other things, provided service support at the Qinshan site in Zhejiang Province and at the Daya Bay site in Guangdong Province.