GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy of the USA has named nuclear industry veteran Steve Hamilton as its new global quality leader.
Hamilton has more than 29 years experience working in the nuclear industry, including 12 years at Progress Energy’s Brunswick Nuclear Station in North Carolina, where he held positions with responsibilities in radiation protection, radioactive waste management, chemistry, environmental monitoring and outage management. He then became president of PN Services, which specializes in the chemical cleaning and decontamination of nuclear reactors, as well as for Waste Management Technical Services, a company responsible for shipping cask design, manufacturing and transport of nuclear material, environmental monitoring and training at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Hanford Site in Washington.
Prior to joining GEH, Hamilton served as vice president of quality and performance for the French nuclear technology company, AREVA, Inc., reporting directly to the CEO of the company’s North America division. Hamilton’s responsibilities included quality assurance, performance improvement, industrial safety, technical training and regulatory affairs for North America. He also spent four years as AREVA’s senior executive responsible for the Canadian nuclear market.