The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has approved a prioritization of the Near-Term Task Force recommendations on lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear incident and supports action on the Tier 1 and Tier 2 recommendations (listed in table below).
“In approving the prioritization, the Commission has taken an important next step in responding to and implementing the safety recommendations of the Task Force,” said NRC Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko.
The Commission also directed the staff to determine whether any regulatory action is required on additional issues identified by the staff as relevant to the Fukushima Dai’ichi crisis. On one of those issues – filtration of containment vents in reactors – the Commission directed the staff to merge it with the Tier 1 action on hardened vents for Mark I and Mark II reactor containments.
Under the SRM, the staff is to provide the Commission within nine months its evaluation of the schedule and milestones, resources, and implementation challenges for the Tier 3 recommendations, those that require further staff study or are dependent on completion of an associated short-term action.
The NRC staff will now write up the technical basis for each proposed solution that it requires the industry to take. The Commission could have, as a matter of policy, classified the recommendations as a matter of “adequate protection of public health and safety.” This would have exempted the proposed solutions from cost-benefit analysis. However, at this point the Commission has decided to wait until it sees the staff’s technical basis for each proposed solution.