Table 2: Core performance parameters
Nominal thermal output (kW) 5000
Active core height (m) 0.6
Active core diameter (m) 0.6
Core volume fraction (fuel/coolant/structure) 52/32/16
235U enrichment (%, inner core/outer core) 40/50
Design lifetime (years) 10
Burnup reactivity swing ($/10 year) -3.2
Fuel pin outer diameter (mm) 8.0
Fuel pin pitch (mm) 9.04
Number of fuel pins 2700
Peak linear power at BOL (W/cm) 52
Primary coolant 7Li (99.99%)
Primary coolant flowrate (kg/s) 17.25
Core inlet/outlet temperature (ÂșC) 1030/1100
Average coolant velocity in the core (m/s) 0.72
Core Reynolds number 5870
Gas plenum height (m) 0.5
Internal pressure of the fuel cladding at EOL core (MPa) 4.1