Types of applied material Reduction Details
Potassium fertilizer (mainly KCl) 2-20 Decrease of migration of Cs-137 into plants (depending on soil type and KCl dose)
Liming (lime, dolomite powder, limestone, tripoli earth) 2-4 Decrease of Sr-90 migration into plants
1.5-3 Decrease of Cs-137 migration into plants
Organic fertiliser (manure, peat) 1.5-3 Decrease of Cs-137 migration into plants (most effective on soddy-podzolic sandy soils)
2-4 Decrease of Sr-90 migration into plants (most effective when applied with lime and organic fertiliser)
Sapropels (freshwater lake bottom sediments)* 6 Decrease of Cs-137 migration into plants (mainly on soddy-podzolic sandy soils, depending on soil type and dose)
*Not applied in Russia