The world’s first nuclear power plant was built on the site of V Laboratory – Nuclear Center, established in 1946 (now State Scientific Center AJ Leipunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering), 100km from Moscow. This small nuclear plant has become a symbol of the peaceful use of atomic energy, and the date of its start-up has been universally recognised as the birthday of nuclear power.
A number of factors caused permanent uncertainty and stress:
• The abundance of options in the core characteristics analyses caused by the large number of design approaches on the fuel channels.
• Absence of effective calculation equipment.
• Poor experimental data on the constants of the main nuclear reactions.
• Lack of verification by experimental studies of techniques of calculating resonance neutron absorption as applied to specific heterogeneous core structures, fast-fission factor etc.
The next thing on the agenda was mastering the reactor plant, assuring its reliability and safety, estimating economical parameters and using it as experimental base for future nuclear power development. These were hard days for the young operating staff.
Since the beginning of 1957, AM reactor operation was devoted to fulfilling research programmes on justification of the future nuclear power plant designs. Although utilisation of generated heat was going on, and production of isotopes was even enhanced, the main task was to carry out experimental studies on 17 test loops installed in the reactor. For the first time in our country, the following experience was gained on the AM reactor with test loops:
• Partial reactor refuelling was used, resulting in the increase of the fuel burnup by a factor of two.
• As applied to the first stage reactors of the Beloyarsk plant, conditions of hydrodynamic stability and reliable heat removal from the fuel elements in case of water coolant boiling were determined and verified, as well as conditions of safe transition from water heat removal to superheated steam heat removal mode. Also for these reactors, numerous tests of about 200 fuel elements of evaporator and superheater channels were conducted in order to assure generation of high pressure (10MPa) steam superheated in the reactor up to 510°C.
• Comprehensive studies on reactor transients under conditions of natural water flow were carried out as applied to the channel reactor design of the Bilibino cogeneration plant.
• Tests of about 100 thermionic fuel elements for BOUK and TOPAZ space nuclear systems were performed.
The plant was in operation for 48 years, and no significant incidents resulting in personnel overdose or mortality occurred during this period. Nor were there any radioactive releases to the environment exceeding permissible limits. Operation of the reactor was terminated on 29 April 2002, and preparation work on its decommissioning is now underway.
Author Info:
L.A. Kotchetkov, State Scientific Center A J Leipunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, 1 Bondarenko sq, Kaluga region, 249020, Russia
In the name of humanism, welfare and justice |
One summer day, in 1951, half of the student group of the Department of Physics and Power Engineering at Moscow Power Engineering Institute left the local train at Obninskoe station to undertake our second practical training course. We followed a wheel track and footpath deep into the forest, and in 15 or 20 minutes we reached the place we had longed to be during our previous four years’ study – and where many of us would have the luck to stay for over 50 years. It was in that year that the construction of the world’s first nuclear power plant was started on the site of the Institute for Physics and Power Engineering (IPPE). The work on the project was initiated several years before by I Kurchatov, who was the scientific supervisor of the project. Also in 1951, the function of scientific supervisor of the project was relegated to the newly established team of the IPPE scientists and engineers. So in 1952 we students got our tasks for our diploma projects and in early 1953 we started our work as young specialists. At that time we had only a dim idea of our future work. Moreover it seems to me, so too did our teachers. Certainly, we already knew that reactors include the core with nuclear fuel, reflector, moderator, biological shielding preventing ionising radiation impact, and absorber rods provided for reactor control. When we were in the fifth year of our course, Professor Feinberg delivered a sound course of lectures on the neutron physics, however, there were no practical techniques. I was appointed as a member of the group headed by M Minashin dealing with analytical studies on the neutronics of the future reactor. It was a busy season, because only slightly over one year was left before the reactor start-up. Analytical and experimental studies, as well as design work were carried out in parallel. In the process of work, a lot of options arose. The work of our group was controlled almost every day by D Blokhintsev, scientific supervisor of the project and A Krasin, his deputy. Not only we, but to a greater extent, institute management expressed their concern about there being almost no experimental support of analytical studies on reactor characteristics. The Obninsk test critical assembly simulating the core of the future reactor of the world’s first nuclear power plant was constructed just during the reactor pre-startup period. It was located on the ground floor of the institute building below the office of the institute director. Another division of the institute was involved in the design of the fuel element – the basis of reliable operation of the reactor. In order to check the quality of the fuel elements it was necessary to create a special test facility capable of simulating thermal and hydraulic parameters of the reactor core. This work was also original: the institute’s high-pressure water test facility was created using fuel element simulators and electric heaters. As early as 1952, the team of operators was established, and finalised formation in 1953. Among others, I was recruited into this group, and we worked hard, with enthusiasm. We studied the documents, controlled supplies and participated in the analytical studies required for revising parameters of the operating modes and in the construction work (for instance, in the graphite brick-laying) and worked out operating instructions. I think even our generation would never understand how it was possible for the builders and riggers to carry out all this work during three and a half years. Certainly, we were all keen on the design approaches. Of course, we felt great responsibility to the senior managers and support and attention by the government authorities. Our reactor came to life for the first time on 9 May 1954 and, on 26 June, steam generated by the new energy type, nuclear energy, headed for very old Mosenergo grid turbines. How glad Kurchatov was with this event! When the reactor that came to life for the first time was put under automatic control and it was reported by the chief engineer for reactor control, Kurchatov threw up his cloth cap and exclaimed: “Hurrah, comrades!” After that we had very hard working days, primarily because of our inexperience. I remember my distrust of the numerous switches and buttons. We needed automatism in actions, but we had to recall with torment the required switch, ways of control and interconnections. The multiple signals were annoying. Besides, because of the inexperience it was difficult to promptly identify the key information and make optimum decisions. Some uncertainties still existed in the interactions between the shift teams that had been just formed, and formal words of instructions on the rights and obligations had not yet become a reality. The reactor plant was in a fever, and we could not assure its stable operation. The visit of the government representatives was approaching, however we could not assure stable operation of the reactor in a specified mode for a day. Some were disappointed and others were just unbelievers. However, hard work gave its results: operating personnel worked with all their might. Qualification of the personnel increased. Specialists of the whole institute were involved in the solution of some problems. As a result, it became possible, first, to identify the causes of component failures and unstable operation of the plant and, second, to find the ways to its stabilisation. At that time we were keen on the new interesting work, however most of the workers only later understood its importance. The first impressions were from publications expressing astonishment and disbelief from abroad, followed by a stream of delegations, the reaction of the First International Conference on the Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy, some impetuous enthusiasm of scientists from many countries and the appearance of national nuclear power programmes. Unforeseen political resonance was clearly revealed: a country ruined by a devastating war and intimidated with the nuclear weapons had completed an heroic deed. In a short time, this country concentrated its strength, means and scientific potential to solve, unaided, the most complicated scientific and technological problem and create its own nuclear shield, showing at the same time that our way was the peaceful use of the achievements of science. The capacity of the world’s first nuclear power plant is rather low, but the experience gained in its design, construction and operation, as well as results of studies cannot be overestimated. It should be emphasised that during 50 years of its operation there has not been any nuclear incident hazardous for personnel and inhabitants. The years will pass and the remote light of the small reactor in Obninsk will shine brighter for the people as a symbol of our achievements and a triumph of our principles of humanism, welfare and justice. |