France Alcatel is to sell off its 44 % stake in Framatome. Alcatel will reduce its stake to 14% immediately, transferring other assets largely to France’s state-owned fuel cycle company Cogema. According to Framatome Cogema, which will own 34% of Framatome, will be the company’s “industrial” shareholder. The two companies already have a partnership in fuel fabrication: together they will become a “a world leader in nuclear services” Framatome claimed. “The clarification of industrial roles in the nuclear sector will help … the establishment and deepening of industrial partnerships and international alliances,” said industry minister Christian Pierret.
Alcatel’s remaining 14% stake will be sold in the next two years. Pierre said that Siemens appears to be a “natural partner” for Framatome, although the Swedish-Swiss company ABB may also be a possibility. Siemens has an alliance with Framatome, but has not expressed an interest in becoming a shareholder.
The French government has said the ownership changes are based on an approach which “favours industrial over the financial logic which previously prevailed”.
• French prime minister Lionel Jospin has suggested a national debate on the future of the French nuclear industry. The suggestion followed a threat made by the Green Party, junior coalition partners in the French government, to withdraw its support over government nuclear policy.