By 2020, Minatom is planning to build nuclear power stations in Russia with a total capacity of about 40GWe, and abroad with a total capacity of up to 10GWe. Power generation at existing plants will increase from 22GWe to 30GWe by 2010. Currently, total Russian nuclear generating capacity represents 11.5% of the total, but this should increase to 20% by 2010, rising ultimately to 28-30%.

This year, Rosenergoatom is planning to generate 144TWh, 5.6% up on the 136.4TWh produced in 2001, which was up by 4.7% on the 2000 figures.

By 2020, in the northwest region, the share of nuclear power stations in the total energy output in the territory will rise to 54%. At present, it is 40%. New plants will be built, and all eight reactors at the Leningrad and Kola plants will be modernised to extend their service lives.