Simulation and control technology provider CAE has won several simulator contracts worth a total of over C$16 million ($11.5 million). The largest, at C$13 million ($9.5 million), is to supply a full-scale simulator for the Beznau plant in Switzerland. Beznau has two identical PWRs, each rated at 365MWe and is owned and operated by Nordostschweizerische Kraftwerke (NOK).

The simulator will include a full replica control room, including existing plant computer systems. It will use CAE’s Rose simulation environment and Isis instructor station.

Successfully completing the project on schedule, at the end of 2006, will require close cooperation with Framatome ANP, Mauell and Westinghouse as well as NOK.

The remainder of the total comes from five US simulator upgrades. CAE will be upgrading steam generator models for AmerenUE’s Callaway plant; re-platforming the simulation computer and instructor station at Florida Power & Light’s St Lucie plant; upgrading several electrical system models for Duke energy’s McGuire station; developing reactor core and thermal-hydraulic models for Exelon’s Three Mile Island 1 simulator. In addition, CAE will be working with Westinghouse to implement their Ovation computer system on the San Onofre simulator for Southern California Edison.