The European Commission has proposed creating a European Joint Undertaking for ITER & the Development of Fusion Energy, tasked with ensuring Europe fulfils its contribution to the international nuclear research project. It would directly control European Union (EU) ITER spending and also cooperate with European industry and research organisations to supply more money, materials and expertise.

Brussels wants the organisation operating next year in Barcelona. “Its primary task will be to meet Europe’s wide-ranging obligations towards ITER,” said a commission note. One key job will be working with Japan under the ‘Broader Approach’ agreement on designing materials for a testing facility and upgrading fusion experiments. The undertaking will carry out its own experimental preparatory work. It will have a governing board, with representatives from Euratom, EU member states and associated countries, with a director managing daily tasks. Money will come from Euratom, its members and other sources, spent under specific financial rules, especially designed to procure high tech components.

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