Russia and Jordan have signed an inter-governmental agreement for cooperation in the field of peaceful use of nuclear energy

The head of Russia’s state nuclear energy corporation, Sergey Kiriyenko, and Khalid Toukan chairman of the Jordan Atomic Energy Commission signed the agreement on 22 May 2009.

The agreement is aimed at creating a firm legal basis for Russian-Jordani cooperation in the field of peaceful use of nuclear energy and covers a wide range of activities including:

1. Engineering and construction of commercial and research nuclear reactors, water desalination plants and accelerators;

2. Prospecting and development of uranium deposits;

3. Nuclear fuel cycle services, supply of nuclear fuel from Russia and return of spent fuel;

4. Development of materials and technologies for nuclear reactors;

5. Transfer of technologies of stimulation-based training of personnel for nuclear power plants, water desalination plants, and radioactive waste treatment equipment;

6. Development of innovative reactor technologies; manufacturing and application of radioisotopes in industry, medicine and agriculture;

7. Conduct of fundamental and applied research in the field of peaceful use of nuclear energy;

8. Nuclear safety, environment protection and radiation control.

The parties will cooperate in the form of exchange of experience and experts and supply of materials, products and technologies. The period of the agreement is 10 years with possibility of extension.

Jordan currently imports 95% of its energy (mostly oil). The local government is undertaking steps to begin uranium mining in the country, which has estimated uranium reserves of 140,000 tons. The country is member of the International Atomic Energy Agency and signatory to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty and additional protocol to it. In 2007 King Abdullah II of Jordan said the country is interested in pursuing an exclusively peaceful civil nuclear programme.

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