A draft proposal by French energy minister Ségolène Royal calls for increasing renewables and reducing the share of nuclear power in France.
The proposal, which would be put before French Parliament in July, is called ‘the new French energy model’.
The planning law would reduce French greenhouse emissions by 40% compared to 1990 levels by 2030, would reduce consumption of fossil fuels by 30% by 2030, increase the renewable share of energy to 40% of generation.
"The energy transition is to prepare for the post-oil period and to introduce a new French energy model, stronger and more sustainable to meet the challenges of energy supply to price changes, depletion of resources and the requirements of environmental protection."
In 2013, nuclear electricity made up 73.3% of total electricity production (net) in France, according to IAEA’s Power Reactor Information System.
Pictured: Ségolène Royal introduces the legislation on camera