After restarting generation on 14 February, unit 1 at India’s Kudankulam NPP stopped on 17 February because of instrumentation deficiencies. The plant had restarted production on 14 February, after being closed on 4 February to investigate a steam leak in the feed water system in the turbine building. Previously, the unit was shutdown for nearly seven months for routine maintenance.
The plant began commercial production on 31 December 2014 when the first unit was connected to the southern grid. The cumulative generation from the facility to December 2015 was 3,527GWh, according to the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL). Gross generation during the current financial year has been 1,440GWh with a capacity factor of 22% between April and December 2015. The Kudankulam site hosts two Russian design VVER-1000 reactor units (unit 2 is expected to star up this year) with two more to begin construction and two further units planned.