Russia’s Mining and Chemical Combine at Zheleznogorsk has embarked on the next stage of work to decommission an outdoor reservoir for liquid radioactive waste storage (No. 365) and to develop a pilot industrial installation for removal of sludge deposits. The work to construct and commission the installation and to remove the sludge is expected to cost RUB210.4m ($3.2m), the government procurement website says. The funding source is the federal budget.
Reservoir No. 365 was used during weapons development in the 1950s for the receipt and temporary storage of liquid waste from the reactor plant and the radiochemical plant as well as for non-process liquid waste. Some 2,400 cubic metres of sludge deposits are to be removed from this reservoir and placed in another reservoir storage (No. 354a). It is also planned to reprocess 1,000 cubic metres of the waste before transferring it to storage. By the end of 2016 non-standard equipment will be developed for construction of the sludge deposit removal installation. The installation is to be commissioned in June 2017 and removal of sludge deposits should be completed by 1 December 2017.