Funding for the construction of the Russia’s Kursk NPP Phase 2 (Kursk-II) will total RUB13bn ($200m) in 2017, twice the investment in 2016, the head of nuclear utility Rosenergoatom, Andrei Petrov, told journalists on 9 August. He noted that all the work under the 2016 RUB6.5bn investment programme must be completed by December. A key piece of infrastructure for the new plant, a 386-metre bridge over the river Seim costing RUB1.2bn was opened on 9 August. The structure consists of 13 poles and 12 spans, and can withstand loads of 670t.
Kursk-II will replace four ageing RBMK units at the Kursk NPP, commissioned from 1976 to 1985. Total investment in the project will be RUB400bn. The new NPP will employ up to 7,000 people in its operation, including 2,000 specialists. Kursk-II will have new generation VVER-TOI reactors which will be the reference plants for later units built in Russia and abroad. The first unit is planned for completion in 2021-2022. Construction will begin in late 2017 and first concrete is planned for May 2018. Currently there are 18 contractors working on the site employing around 500 people.