Russia’s Power Machines (St Petersburg) will manufacture the turbine unit equipment for units 1 and 2 at Bangladesh's Ruppur NPP, which is being built with the assistance of Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom. Both units will be 1,200MWe VVER-1200/392M pressurised water reactors, referenced to units 1 and 2 at Russia’s Novovoronezh II NPP.
On 16 August Power Machines signed the relevant agreement with Rosatom’s Directorate for Single Order Equipment for Nuclear Power Plants. According to Rosatom’s procurement website, the total cost of the order is RUB38.25bn ($646m). Power Machines will design, manufacture and supply two sets of 1,200MWe steam turbines, capacitors and separate auxiliary equipment for the turbine systems, as well as two sets of turbo-generators with auxiliary equipment, an excitation system and an exciter. Power Machines will also supply heat exchange and pumping equipment, piping and necessary fittings. The company will supervise installation and commissioning for all the equipment supplied. Supplies for unit 1 are scheduled for 2020, for unit 2 for 2021.
First concrete for unit 1 is scheduled for September. In October 2013, Russia signed an agreement with Bangladesh for design work on Ruppur and in July Russia agreed to release a state loan to help finance the construction of the project. The Ruppur project is estimated to cost $12.65bn, with Russia providing financing worth $11.38bn. The Russian Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs and Bangladesh's state-owned Sonali Bank Ltd are the authorised banks for the state loan. The Bangladesh government will provide about $2.7bn of its own funding for the project. Unit 1 is scheduled for start up in 2022 and unit 2 in 2023.