France’s Areva has completed the replacement of the reactor pressure vessel level monitoring system at Spain’s Trillo nuclear plant, which is operated by Centrales Nucleares Almaraz-Trillo (CNAT).
An announcement on 26 September said that the system constantly monitors the water level within the reactor pressure vessel and transmits the information to the control room. The newly-developed level probes provide higher robustness and reliability.
The scope of the contract includes the delivery of the in-core sensors and related components as well as design, engineering, supervision of installation and commissioning of the system. The components were manufactured at Areva NP’s Karlstein site in Germany.
Martin Winkler, Vice President Marketing & Sales at Areva NP’s I&C Business Unit said: “The project marks another milestone in the long-lasting partnership with CNAT, which started with the construction of the plant in the 1980s. Recently we modernised the aeroball measurement system within the frame of the plant’s I&C.”
Areva NP has implemented safety automation systems in more than 80 plants in 17 countries and nuclear instrumentation systems in more than 100 NPPs.