UK-based Wood on 7 November won a contract to provide the UK’s Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) with technical safety advice and support. The four-year framework covers the ONR’s activities in new build, power generation, decommissioning and defence. Wood was named as a supplier under both lots of the framework. Lot 1 covers reactor core physics and fault studies, while Lot 2 is for specialist engineering and technical services including internal and external hazards; civil, mechanical and electrical engineering, control and instrumentation, probabilistic safety analysis, fuel design and reactor chemistry, radiation protection and radiological consequence analysis, structural integrity analysis, human factors and management of safety, and radioactive waste management and decommissioning. Wood’s nuclear business employs more than 1,300 people in the North West of England, mainly at Knutsford and Birchwood in Cheshire and at Sellafield and Whitehaven in Cumbria.
Wood wins contract to support UK nuclear regulator
UK-based Wood on 7 November won a contract to provide the UK’s Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) with technical safety advice and support.