The final main reactor coolant pump was installed at Fuqing 5 in China’s Fuqing NPP in Fujian province on 5 January, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) announced.
The milestone means that all the main equipment has now been installed at the first of two demonstration Hualong One units under construction at the Fuqing site.
CNNC said the pumps have a "complex and special structure," and that they were assebled on site. The first main pump components were installed on 10 December. Each reactor has three reactor coolant pumps.
Installation of the first of three steam generators has begun at Fuqing 6.
The 365-tonne generator was designed by China Nuclear Power Institute and manufactured by Dongfang Electric Corporation. It was delivered to the construction site on 20 December and moved into the reactor building on 23 December. Installation of the reactor pressure vessel at Fuqing 6 was completed on 10 December.
Fuqing 5&6 are scheduled to be completed in 2019 and 2020.
Two more Hualong One (HPR1000) units, under construction at China General Nuclear's Fangchenggang nuclear plant in the Guangxi Autonomous Region, are also expected to start up in 2019 and 2020. Two HPR1000 units are under construction at Karachi in Pakistan and the HPR1000 is undergoing Generic Design Assessment in the UK where it has been proposed for construction at the Bradwell site in Essex.