US-based UniTech Services Group continues to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) to the North American nuclear industry during the Covid-19 pandemic, and says it does not anticipate significant disruption to supplies in the second quarter of 2020.

“We understand our importance as a critical supplier to the nuclear industry, which is essential to providing the population with reliable electricity,” said UniTech Services Group vice president Michael Bovino.

“We’re taking a one-on-one approach to support the unique needs utilities and their nuclear facilities have during this challenging time."

UniTech said it attributes its ability to continue without service disruptions to its "diverse supplier network". As a long-term preventative measure, UniTech said it is exploring additional global strategies to insulate its supply chain.

UniTech also confirmed that its seven laundry and respirator processing facilities across the USA will be fully-operational, providing continuous clean PPE. Each facility is implementing protective measures and increasing housekeeping to reduce the risk of viral spread, a statement said.

UniTech said it has a broad range or resources ready for mobilisation for the nuclear energy workforce, including 50,000 sets of ProTech Plus® Coveralls, 300,000 sets of ProTech Plus® PPE inventory for spring and fall outage (available through lease/rental programmes) and a large inventory of single-use, diposable PPE, available for rapid deployment.

The company, which is the world’s largest supplier of nuclear protective clothing and accessories, also has a US manufacturing based that is capable of producing more than 500 coveralls per day.