Horizon Nuclear Power is seeking an extension to its planning consent for online highway improvements to the A5025, work that would be needed to support the construction and operation of the planned Wylfa Newydd nuclear power plant in the UK.
Permission was originally granted for the online A5025 improvements by the Isle of Anglesey County Council in 2018 but this is due to expire in July.
“We’re now seeking an extension to the permission to July 2023 from the Isle of Anglesey County Council,” Horizon said.
“We’re doing this now to enable a swift restart should Wylfa Newydd be granted a Development Consent Order (DCO) by UK Government later in 2020 and if the right funding model is in place.
Horizon said it is not making any changes to the original planning application, which can be viewed on its website.
The Wylfa Newydd nuclear power project envisaged the construction of two UK advanced boiling water reactors (ABWRs). Work was suspended in January 2019 after Hitachi failed to reach an agreement on the financing and associated commercial arrangements. However, the company hopes a way forward can be found, in discussion with the UK government, that will allow activity to resume.