Atommash has shipped the steam generators for Tukey's Akkuyu nuclear power plantRussia’s Atommash plant in Volgodonsk (a branch of AEM-Technologies, part Atomenergomash, the machine-building division of Rosatom), has shipped four steam generators for unit 1 of Turkey’s Akkuyu NPP.

The products will be delivered by road to the port on the Tsimlyansk reservoir where they will be loaded onto a barge using a gantry crane with a lifting capacity of 650 tons. They will be shipped to Turkey by river and then through the Black Sea.

Andrey Nikipelov, general director of Atomenergomash, noted: "Atommash is shipping reactor vessels and steam generators at an unprecedented pace: a total of three reactor vessels and 17 steam generators are going to customers in Russia, India, Bangladesh and Turkey this year. Our equipment is already in operation or planned for installation on three out of six continents.”

Rovshan Abbasov, director of the Volgodonsk branch of AEM technology said Atommash is manufacturing the reactor with internals and four steam generators for Akkuyu. “Safety and quality are the main priorities of the company,” he said. “Great attention is paid to these aspects. For example, producing a steam generator takes a year and a half, and a third of this time is occupied by quality issues.”

Akkuyu NPP will comprise four units with Russian designed VVER-1200 generation 3+ reactors. The project has been fully financed by Russia and is the first nuclear project to be implemented using a build-own-operate model.

Photo: Atommash has shipped the steam generators for Tukey's Akkuyu nuclear power plant (Credit: Atomenergomash)