Ukraine’s Energomashspetsstal (EMSS) based in Kramatorsk (Donetsk region) said on 26 January that it had handed over to the customer eight covers for the steam generators for unit 3 of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant, being built in Turkey by Rosatom.

EMSS, a subsidiary of Rosatom’s engineering division Atomenergomash, is continuing to manufacture blanks for reactor equipment for Akkuyu NPP.

The work is monitored by the Nuclear Regulatory Agency of the Republic of Turkey (ANR).

The components passed a multi-stage quality check by specialists from the central plant laboratory, the technical control department of EMSS and representatives of the customer, including specialists from ANR.

During the inspection, the experts checked the results of the ultrasonic examination of the blanks, carried out visual and measuring control of the products, and checked the preservation of the parts. As a result, the products were accepted by the commission without comments, and documents were signed confirming the quality of blanks for the steam generators covers. Accepted products are then prepared for shipment to the customer.

In 2020 EMSS passed an audit by ANR, which renewed the certificate of the manufacturer of blanks for the Akkuyu equipment. The updated certificate No. TR-IMO-001 was issued by EMSS on 31 December 2020 for a period of five years and is valid from 11 January.

Also on 26 January, Russia’s OKB Gidropress said it had received permission from ARN for the manufacture of step electromagnetic drives for the control and protection system of the CPS SHEM-3 for Akkuyu 1. Permission was granted following checks of all the technical documentation. CPS drive SHEM-3 is designed for starting up, regulating the power and shutting down the reactor by introducing or removing control rods from the core.

The previous day, the Petrozavodsk branch of AEM-Technologies (part of Rosatom’s engineering division, Atomenergomash and the Karelian regional branch of SoyuzMash) shipped fasteners and embedded parts for Akkuyu 1. The total weight of the shipment was about 40 tons. The largest elements – embedded parts – are metal rings with a diameter of about 4 metres and a mass of more than 6 tons made of sheet, round or shaped steel, which are concreted into the foundations and floors of NPP buildings for subsequent connection with equipment fastening elements.

The 4800MWe Akkuyu NPP will comprise four VVER-1200 reactors and is expected to meet about 10% of Turkey's electricity needs. Rosatom’s first build-own-operate venture, the $20bn project is based on an inter-governmental agreement signed between Russia and Turkey in May 2010.