Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) said on 4 August that, in collaboration with Iljin Electric, it had won an international open competitive tender to supply transformers for the Cernavoda NPP worth €7 million to Romanian Nuclear Power Corporation Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica.
KHNP CEO Jeong Jae-hoon said this is the first time KHNP will export large-scale equipment for a nuclear power plant abroad. KHNP will be in charge of project management and quality control, and Iljin Electric will be responsible for equipment design and production.
KHNP said that, with this order, it has established itself as a major supplier to the O&M (operation and maintenance) business of operating NPPs in Europe, and has won orders for subsequent large-scale projects such as the construction of tritium removal facilities and waste storage facilities in Romania, improvement of facilities for continuous operation of Krsko unit 1 in Slovenia, and a new nuclear power plant project. In 2020, KHNP won orders in Romania to supply in-furnace nuclear measurement equipment last year and the feasibility evaluation service for waste storage facilities. In May this year it won an order to supply voltage stabilisers for the uninterruptible power supply system.
Cernavoda NPP is a heavy water reactor type nuclear power plant similar to Korea's Wolsong NPP. It has two commercially operational Candu 6 pressurised heavy water reactors supplied by Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Cernavoda 1, with a capacity of 700MWe, was commissioned in 1996 and Cernavoda 2 in 2007.