The Volgodonsk branch of AEM-technology (part of the the mechanical engineering division of Rosatom – Atomenergomash) shipped the reactor lid for unit 2 of the Kursk-II NPP-2, including the reactor cover with nozzles and metal structures. The service life of the product is 60 years, with the possibility of extending it for another 20 years. The weight of the component is 160 tons. Shipment will be carried out by road transport to the Kursk-II construction site.
The reactor lid connects the reactor pressure vessel and the upper block with using the 54 pins of the main connector and keeps the reactor internals inside. On top of the cover there are branch pipes that serve to fasten the CPS drives that operate the control rods.
Kursk-II 1&2 are being built according to the VVER-TOI project (standard optimised informatised pressurised water power reactor), which is a development of the VVER-1200 reactor design with increased capacity and improved technical and economic indicators.