US fuel technology company Lightbridge Corporation says it has achieved a critical milestone in developing its fuel after Idaho National Laboratory (INL) extruded coupon samples of Lightbridge Fuel material consisting of an alloy of depleted uranium and zirconium. The extrusion process involves pressing a metallic alloy billet through a die.

INL and Lightbridge will work together to analyse the extruded rod to confirm the extrusion process parameters prior to producing future fuel samples using high-assay, low-enriched uranium (HALEU), which Lightbridge will ultimately use to manufacture its fuel.

Lightbridge’s work is part of its Strategic Partnership Project & Cooperative Research & Development agreements with Battelle Energy Alliance (BEA), the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) operating contractor for INL. The laboratory aims to generate irradiation performance data for Lightbridge’s delta-phase uranium-zirconium alloy relating to various thermophysical properties. The data will support fuel performance modelling and regulatory licensing efforts for the commercial deployment of Lightbridge Fuel.

Jess Gehin, INL Associate Laboratory Director for Nuclear Science & Technology said this achievement “demonstrates the unique role that national laboratories, particularly INL, play in nuclear innovation and keeping the US as the global leader in nuclear energy”.

Lightbridge Vice President of Engineering Dr Scott Holcombe noted: “Reaching this milestone is an important step in our ongoing work with INL. Casting and extruding this demonstration billet of Lightbridge Fuel alloy showcases the unique research talent and facilities within the lab’s Materials and Fuels Complex.”

Lightbridge is developing Lightbridge Fuel, a proprietary next-generation nuclear fuel technology for existing light water reactors and pressurised heavy water reactors, which it says will significantly enhance reactor safety, economics, and proliferation resistance. The company is also developing Lightbridge Fuel for small modular reactors (SMRs).

Lightbridge has two long-term framework agreements with BEA. DOE’s Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN) programme has twice awarded Lightbridge to support the development of Lightbridge Fuel over the past several years. Lightbridge is also participating in two university-led studies through the DOE Nuclear Energy University Programme at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Texas A&M University. The company has an extensive worldwide patent portfolio.

Image: The extrusion in progress (courtesy of INL/Lightbridge)