The Chornobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve reports on its Facebook page that a new species of large predatory mammals – a jackal – has been spotted on the territory of the Chornobyl reserve (in the vicinity of Lubyanka). “It is an animal from the canine family, a representative of the wolf genus. It is similar to a wolf, but the head is not so lobed, the muzzle is narrower, more pointed, and smaller in size.”

The report continues: “It is a scavenger, actively adapting to the anthropogenic landscape, thanks to which it expanded its range at the beginning of the 21st century, as we can see, up to the exclusion zone. Most people have a negative image of the jackal, as it represents cowardice, arrogance, villainy, and even meanness. However, for nature, this is another species of animal that has the right to life, especially if it actively chooses it.”

The post asks how the population of this predator will behave over time, if it manages to establish itself and reproduce in the protected area. Will it become a competitor or a threat? “Jackal tracks have been seen in the Reserve before. The foot of this animal is compact, and there are almost no gaps between the pads. Now we are watching the predator itself. Is this new guest temporary or permanent?

Image: A new species of predatory mammal has been spotted on the territory of the Chornobyl reserve