Loading of dummy fuel assemblies has begun at Unit 1 of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Bangladesh. The dummy fuel assemblies are designed to replicate standard fuel in terms of dimensions, weight, and materials, without containing nuclear fuel, to simulate the reactor core’s geometry and help confirm the hydraulic parameters of the reactor during circulation flushing and cold/hot reactor tests. The circulation flushing, along with cold and hot reactor tests, are critical steps in the start-up and adjustment process, leading to the physical activation of the power unit and ensuring its reliable and safe operation.

Additionally, the dummy assemblies are used to practice handling operations with the refueling machine. Once all reactor plant parameters are verified using the dummy assemblies, the next step will involve loading the actual nuclear fuel. Specialists from Atomstroyexport JSC, Atomtechenergo JSC, and Rosenergoatom are carrying out the work.

Rooppur NPP, located 160 km from Dhaka, Bangladesh’s capital, is equipped with two VVER-1200 reactors with a combined capacity of 2,400 MW. It is being constructed under the terms of a contract signed in December 2015. It is based on the Generation III+ design implemented at the Novovoronezh NPP in Russia.

Denis Muzlov, Director of Atomtechenergo JSC Branch in Bangladesh, said that all 163 dummy fuel assemblies (DFAs) will be loaded within the next few days. “Work on the DFA loading will be performed 24/7. Loading of one DFA into the reactor, using the refueling machine in automatic mode, takes 25 minutes on average. After the DFA loading, we will start preparing the reactor for subsequent circulation flushing and cold and hot tests,” he stated.

“Construction of Rooppur NPP is going on, the start-up and adjustment works at Unit 1 are in full swing,” added Alexey Deriy, ASE JSC Vice President for Projects in Bangladesh.