All articles by david appleyard

david appleyard

Levelling up with nuclear load factors

The pace of new nuclear development is still well short of the mark and is dwarfed by the growth of wind and solar but nuclear has an ace up its sleeve

The melting heart of next gen nuclear

A wealth of R&D focused on molten salt reactor designs is indicative of gathering momentum behind a new generation of safer, simpler reactors

Eswatini looks to nuclear energy

The Kingdom of Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) has launched an initiative to utilise nuclear technology in such sectors as agriculture, health…

Turbine modification stops tremors at Temelin NPP

Czech state-owned power company, ČEZ, says a small modification of the turbine at unit 2 of the Temelin NPP has…

Texan partnership to investigate MSR deployment in Permian Basin

US-based Natura Resources has entered into a partnership with the Texas Produced Water Consortium (TxPWC) at Texas Tech University to…

Global SMR buildout needs a new Marshall Plan

Evidence has been mounting that a large expansion of nuclear energy capacity is indispensable for keeping global warning within 1.5°C limits. Think tank NNWI argues SMRs will be a vital element and a new Marshall Plan is needed to succeed.

Biblis NPP cooling tower demolished

The first of four cooling towers has been demolished at Germany’s Biblis. The two-unit Biblis plant (A&B), each with two cooling towers, was shut down in March 2011 in response to the Fukushima Daiichi accident.

Reactor vessel installed at Russia’s MBIR research facility

The reactor pressure vessel has been installed at Russia’s MBIR research reactor.

Grossi spells out challenges in Ukraine

Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi had held talks with President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv on the extension of IAEA activities in Ukraine.

Work underway to address ITER’s technical problems

Work is underway to address defects which were identified in two key tokamak components during assembly of the ITER fusion reactor in France.