The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) has granted a 12-month extension to the operating licence for Ontario Power Generation’s (OPG) Darlington Nuclear Generating Station in Clarington, 70km east of Toronto. The plant’s operating licence was due to expire at the end of December 2014.

OPG applied last December to renew the operating licence for Darlington until 2028 (a longer term than has been traditionally granted by the Canadian regulator). During the licence extension period OPG plans to complete refurbishment of the four unit station, which could support operation until 2055.

OPG has requested this short extension to allow ‘additional time’ to provide more comprehensive documentation, reflect new CNSC expectations and facilitate public engagement in the upcoming public hearing.

Public hearings to consider the long term renewal of Darlington’s operating licence, including the proposed refurbishment of all four Darlington NGS units, will take place in the summer and fall of 2015.

The four-unit station Darlington station has a net output of 3512MW. It began operation during the early 1990s currently provides about 20% of Ontario’s electricity needs.

In May, CNSC extended the operating licence for the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station by seven months to allow operator Bruce Power more time to prepare for public hearings.

Photo: Darlington Nuclear Station