Payette County Commissioners have unanimously approved a change to the county’s comprehensive plan, which could see Alternate Energy Holdings, Inc. (AEHI) build a nuclear power plant on land that was previously designated for agricultural use only.

“This important decision sets the stage for the final step for approval of a large advanced nuclear power plant and also gives a strong indication of support by county leaders resulting in a win-win for AEHI stakeholders including the many benefits to the county, state and region for low cost, clean reliable power, not to mention rewarding our investors for their support,” said Don Gillispie, AEHI CEO.

The change creates a footprint for industrial uses in an area once designated for the sole purpose of agriculture. More specifically the wording will allow for an industrial complex on a 5000-acre parcel a few miles from New Plymouth, Idaho as long as that industrial purpose involves a nuclear power plant.

“This vote affirms the will of the majority of residents of Payette County who have told us and the commissioners they want a nuclear power plant in their community. They want the jobs and the financial stability for the towns in which they live – something our plant can and will create,” said Gillispie.

According to a recent study, the proposed plant is expected to create around 5000 jobs through the construction phase and more than 1000 jobs during operations.

The projected revenue for the county and state is staggering. During construction alone the project should increase Idaho’s GDP by $5.3 billion, while $4.8 billion will flow directly through Payette County.

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