An air compressor caught fire at unit 2 of Japan Atomic Power Co's (JAPC’s) Tokai NPP in Japan’s Ibaraki prefecture, the company reported. JAPC said the fire occurred in a building where material needed for the disposal of radioactive waste is produced. The building is outside the plant's radiation control area, and there were no injuries or leaks of radioactive material.

JAPC said an employee confirmed smoke and a burning smell immediately after turning on an air compressor which is 200 centimetres wide, 150 centimetres tall and 73 centimetres deep. Fire services were alerted and the incident was confirmed. A burned cord and soot were found inside the compressor, which was installed in 2005.

The cause of the fire is being investigated.

Image: A burned cord and soot on the air compressor's interior surface to the right (courtesy of Japan Atomic Power Co)