China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) and the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) have signed a cooperation agreement for the construction of a Chinese design HPR1000 Hualong One reactor at unit five of Pakistan’s Chashma nuclear plant.

It will be the seventh nuclear power reactor that China has exported to Pakistan and the third Hualong One. China is building four Hualong One units: Fuqing 5&6 and Fangchenggang 3&4. Fuqing 5, is expected to be the first Hualong One to begin operation in 2019, followed by Fangchenggang 3 later the same year, and the other two units in 2020.

There are already four Chinese-built CNP-300 units at Chashma in Pakistan, and two Hualong One reactors are under construction  Pakistan's Karachi 2&3. Construction of Karachi 2 began in 2015 and Karachi 3 in 2016 with commercial operation scheduled for 2021 and 2022.

CNNC said Chashma 5 would be built by its subsidiary CNNC China Zhongyuan Engineering Corp.

Photo: CNNC signed the deal for construction of Chashma 5 on 21st November (Credit: CNNC)