Russia’s Siberian Chemical Combine (SCC) has completed the installation of key equipment at the plant for the production of fuel for the BREST-OD-300 reactor, Rosatom’s Fuel Company TVEL reported. 

The reactor is part of the pilot demonstration energy complex (ODEK), being built under Russia’s Proryv (Breakthrough) project. The complex, when completed will comprise a fuel fabrication-refabrication module (MFR) producing mixed uranium-plutonium nitride (MNUP) fuel, and a used fuel reprocessing module, as well as the BREST-OD-300, which is a lead-cooled fast neutron reactor. The purpose of ODEK is to demonstrate the closed fuel cycle with a fast neutron reactor supported by fuel fabrication and recycling on a single site.

TVEL said installation of equipment for the transport system of the carbothermal synthesis line for the MFR has been completed. The Acceptance Committee confirmed that the installation work was carried out efficiently and on time, the installed equipment fully meets the requirements of the design and project documentation. Four production lines will be involved in the production of the MNUP fuel:

  • A line for carbothermal synthesis of mixed uranium and plutonium nitride;
  • A line for the production of MNUP fuel pellets;
  • A fuel rod assembly line; and 
  • A line for the production of fuel cartridges.

The assembled transport system connects the areas where nitride grit is formed. The equipment of the transport system was developed and manufactured by JSC SverdNIIkhimmash (part Rosatom’s mechanical engineering division Atomenergomash). 

Earlier in 2021, the installation of a section for dosing, mixing and granulation of MNUP fuel pellets was completed . By the end of the year, it is planned to install the equipment for eight more sections of carbothermal synthesis and pellet production lines at the facility in the design position, as well as to complete the installation of equipment for the block pressing section.