Recovery Action: Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (SRNS), managing Contractor for the Savannah River Site (SRS) for the Department of Energy (DOE) is soliciting for the Remediation work relating to the P area Ash Basin and P-007Outfall Closure.


David Whittle,

Subcontract Specialist

For the Basin closure – The basin is 13 acres in size. The closure will include erosion control, blending stockpiled wood chips with soil/ash mixture, hauling in a soil cover, top soil and installing sod.

For the outfall closure – It is 7 acres and is beside the basin. Work will require a drainage system, excavation of the Rad ash material and disposal, remaining ash will be blended with wood chips and spread. After this it will follow the same pattern as the Ash Basin.

This work will have the subcontractor furnishing and installing the top soil and sod.

Any company interested shall submit a letter of interest to David Whittle(email acceptable) before August 20, 2010.

Only firms who have a demonstrated safety performance equal to the following standards shall be eligible for award: 3-year average Interstate Experience Modification Rate of 1.0 or less, and a 3-year average Total Recordable Case Rate of 5.3 or less. Any interested firm who is deemed qualified to perform these services must become signatory to the Site Support Alliance Agreement and be capable of providing payment and performance bonds.