France-based nuclear engineering company Assystem has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Romanian Nuclear Agency for Radioactive Waste (ANDR).
The agreement is to support future operations covering the exchange of experience, implementation and technical assistance in design, project management and operation of nuclear facilities, including decommissioning as well as characterization, treatment and conditioning of radioactive waste for disposal.
A first contract will be signed for feasibility studies related to radioactive waste management at the future site of Saligny, in the southeast of Romania.
Romanian state news agency Agerpres reported in May that the repository, near the Cernavoda site, where eight storage modules would be built in the first phase, to be completed by 2020, for a cost of EUR 40 million. Those plans depend on the life extension of the plant, which, if extended, would generate more waste requiring storage.
Assystem has been operational in Romania for 20 years, and has a local partner ISPE, Institute for Studies and Power Engineering.
Working alongside the French nuclear industry for more than 45 years, Assystem has built up proven expertise in the entire life cycle of a nuclear installation. Today, the group participates in such consignments as decommissioning the Sellafield site in the UK and the ANDRA’s draft-design studies for the CigĂ©o site (Industrial Centre for Geological Storage).
Picture: Cernavoda 2