Hazardous waste management company ATG has been awarded a five-year waste processing contract by Kaiser-Hill, the managing contractor of the Department of Energy’s (DoE’s) retired weapons manufacturing site at Rocky Flats, Colorado.

Rocky Flats is one of the most important clean-up sites for the DoE. There are thousands of cubic metres of legacy, operations and demolition waste, in the low level radioactive waste and low-level mixed waste categories that require treatment, packaging, shipment and disposal. More than 30% of the estimated $4 billion closure costs of Rocky Flats is expected to cover waste management, processing and disposal activities.

ATG’s chief operations manager, Vik Mani, said: “Nearly 150 buildings located on the 6000 acre site, many containing significant quantities of radioactive waste, need to be demolished and disposed of. That represents a huge challenge for the site and represents a great opportunity for us.” ATG is the only waste processing company in the USA that is licensed to thermally treat several categories of low-level mixed waste at Rocky Flats and other DoE sites.