On 1 January, Belarusian NPP became part of state utility Belenergo. The aim is “to make it possible to build and maintain a unified technical policy in the field of electric energy generation in the energy system,” Belenergo said.

The move followed several changes that took place under the Ministry of Energy’s action plan for 2019–2020 intended to improve the management structure of organisations included in the energy system.

April saw the launch of the State Energy and Gas Supervision, which separated the economic responsibilities (Belenergo) from the supervisory functions (Gosenergogaznadzor).  

  • In December, further rationalisation took place when the Ministry of Economy issued a certificate of registration for the Belenergo Holding to assume economic management of a number of joint-stock companies:
  • Belelektromontazhnaladka (commissioning organisation and manufacturer  of electrical equipment);
  • Belenergosvyaz (installation, commissioning and repair work of telecommunication systems);
  • Belselelektrosetetstroy (electrification of agricultural, industrial and municipal facilities);
  • Belenergozashchita (anticorrosion, heat-insulating services), and
  • Zapadelektrosetetstroy (construction and design of high voltage power lines and substations).

At the end of December, the reorganisation was completed with Belenergo’s takeover of RUE ODU, the national dispatch centre of the Belarus United Energy System.

Belenergo said the structural transformations would increase management efficiency.