BEH announced plans to launch a procedure for selection of consultant for Belene NPP at the end of January 2010

Bulgarian Energy Holding has announced its intention to launch a procedure for selection of consultant for the Belene NPP project. The consultant will have to provide consultancy services with the aim to restructure of the Belene NPP project along commercially and financially meaningful terms. The consultant will also have to propose a new shareholding structure which will secure entry of new investors in the Belene NPP project and to carry out the necessary activities which will ensure successful closing of the entry of new investors in the project.

Activities, which are expected to be done by the consultant of the Belene NPP project are described as follows: Preparation of project development concept; Economic and Financial model update; Identification of new investors; preparation and implementation of the procedure for selection of new investors; Restructuring of the project organization and set up, including existing contracts; Advice on development and implementation of the communication strategy; Development and implementation of a strategy for enhanced transparency of the NPP Belene project.

According to the General Procurement Notice BEH intends to announce the beginning of an open tender procedure for selection of consultant which will carry out these activities in late January 2010.

Author: Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD

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