Unit 4 at Russia’s Beloyarsk NPP, which uses a BN-800 sodium-cooled fast neutron reactor has resumed operation after a scheduled refuelling and maintenance outage The reactor was loaded with 181 fresh mixed plutonium-uranium oxide (MOX) fuel assemblies. Repairs were made to the steam generator pulsed safety devices, pipeline fittings, pumps, operational control system, electrical equipment, thermal automation and measurement devices, and other work. One mechanism of the passive protection system was replaced and upgraded.
“Planned repair and preventive work is aimed at ensuring a high level of safety at unit 4, as well as ensuring reliability of electricity supply to consumers. The Beloyarsk NPP has extensive experience in the safe operation of fast neutron BN-600 and BN-800 reactors, and every day continues to further develop this experience,” said NPP Director Ivan Sidorov. “Our experience will be used for the new power unit (5) which will have a Generation IV BN -1200M reactor, for which preparatory construction work is already underway.”
Beloyarsk unit 3 with a BN-600 reactor is now being closed for refuelling and maintenance. Specialists will load 136 fresh fuel assemblies into the reactor, maintenance of equipment for the control and protection system at the central rotary column and in the central hall is planned as well as technical inspection of the 6D-6 deaerator. Other repair and maintenance work includes cleaning turbine condensers, metal operational control, measures on steam generator, pump, electrical and other types of equipment and systems.
“We are completing preparations for extending the life of unit 3 to 2040 and will pay special attention to the readiness of the equipment for further reliable work for the long term. An important mission of the BN-600 is to demonstrate the resource characteristics of the fast reactor unit, said Sidorov.