BNFL has announced that the company will be restructured into two main business groups – nuclear utilities ad government services.

CEO Norman Askew said the aim of the change was: “To align our businesses with our main customers.” He said that the nuclear utilities group – to be headed by current Westinghouse president and CEO Charles Pryor – would serve utility customers world-wide, while the government services group would meet the needs of BNFL’s other main customer group, both in the UK and abroad.

The nuclear utilities group will include the global fuel manufacturing and reactor services business and will provide commercial management of reprocessing and MOX fuel fabrication contracts carried out at Sellafield, as well as international and marine transport services for the movement of spent fuel and MOX.

The government services business group will consist of the current Magnox generation, environmental services and Sellafield maintenance and operations services groups. In addition to serving customers abroad, the group will be responsible for meeting the commercial changes posed by restructuring. The head of the new group will be appointed from outside BNFL, and a suitable candidate is currently being sought.