Brazilian Nuclear Industries (INB – Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil) has been authorised by the National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN – Comissào National de Energia Nuclear) to begin the export process of approximately 5.7 tonnes of U₃O₈ powder enriched to 3.2% uranium-235. The sale will be conducted through Public Offering, allowing open competition for the highest price, opening new markets for INB and expanding its business opportunities in the global nuclear sector.
“This initiative represents a strategic advance for INB, demonstrating our ability to efficiently manage assets and take advantage of commercial opportunities in the international nuclear sector”, said INB President Adauto Seixas.
The material, imported in 2016 as a result of a court ruling in favour of the company abroad, is currently stored at the Nuclear Fuel Factory (FCN – Fábrica de Combustível Nuclear) in Resende. INB said, due to its operational inadequacy for the manufacture of fuel and the economic infeasibility of its internal use, the sale will release space for raw materials essential for the supply of fuel for the Angra NPP and will also generate revenues for new state investments.
After defining the buyer and signing the contract, INB will begin the process of obtaining an Export Licence from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Control of MCTI Sensitive Goods. “With this operation, we reaffirm our commitment to the efficiency and sustainability of the Brazilian nuclear sector, consolidating our presence in the international market”, said Seixas.
In 2024, INB resumed uranium exploration. In the 1970s and 1980s exploration showed that Brazil has reasonably assured resources of 210,000 tonnes of uranium. There had been little investment in exploration since the mid-1980s. Brazil produced 43 tU. All locally mined uranium is used domestically, after conversion and much of it enriched abroad. However, INB is also developing its own enrichment capability at Resende.
Currently, Brazil has two nuclear units in operation at Angra dos Reis, on the Costa Verde, in Rio de Janeiro. Angra 1&2, a total of 1.9GWe with unit 3 partly built. The first phase of the enrichment plant, which was completed in late 2022, has 10 cascades of ultracentrifuges in operation producing fuel for Angra. It enables INB to meet 70% of the demand for Angra 1, reducing dependence on foreign contracting services.
Implementation of the second phase of the enrichment plant will provide an additional 30 cascades of ultracentrifuges, which will guarantee Brazil self-sufficiency in uranium enrichment. By 2033, the company expects to be able to meet the fuel demand of Angra 1&2 and, by 2037, the needs of Angra 3.