The restart of Bruce unit 2 has experienced a minor set back after an issue was identified with the electrical generator on the non-nuclear side of the plant. Bruce Power, the plant’s operator has asked Siemens Canada to complete the required repairs as soon as possible.

The unit 2 reactor at Bruce A was producing steam and operating as planned in the lead-up to generating electricity for the first time in 17 years, Bruce Power said in a statement. But about an hour before synchronization to the grid in early May, the generator issue was identified.

“The electrical generator protection worked as designed and the approach to connect to the grid was stopped,” Bruce said.

The generator had been upgraded as part of the refurbishment project by Siemens Canada. Bruce Power has now enlisted the company’s expertise to assess the situation and then complete repairs as soon as possible

Bruce Power said that although the unit 2 reactor is ready to operate, the repair to the non-nuclear system will impact when it is ability to deliver electricity to the grid.

“While this is clearly seen as a setback, with this repair isolated to one non-nuclear system on unit 2, we can continue to advance the unit 1 work programme,” said Mike Burke, vice-president Bruce A operations.

Unit 1 remains on track to return to service in the third quarter of 2012, according to Bruce Power.

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