Canada Entergy’s expected contract award to Framatome ANP for replacement steam generators for Arkansas Nuclear One-1’s (ANO-1) prompted Babcock & Wilcox Canada to file a lawsuit alleging that Framatome ANP has illegally transferred B&W technology to its French affiliate, Framatome, to design and manufacture the components.

In the suit filed in July, B&W Canada says Framatome ANP could not perform the contract to build replacement steam generators unless they were fabricated by Framatome, and that Framatome could not make them without “misappropriating” the once-through steam generator technology used by B&W Canada.

Framatome ANP dismissed the claims as untrue. Spokeswoman Susan Hess described the suit as “without merit”, and said that the company would “aggressively defend our rights.” Entergy declined to comment.