The objective of the C16.1 project is to prepare five areas for their use as storage buildings or as external storage areas for waste in accordance with regulation. The main project tasks include: planning, preparatory works including establishment of waste management areas, waste sorting and transportation, as well as building modification or conditioning.


Jadrová a vyraďovacia spoločnosť, a.s., BIDSF PMU – Procurement Group, Tomášiková 22, 821 02 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Attn.: Mr. Fernando Trotter or Mr. Michal Belianský or Mrs. Andrea Labajová

TEL: +421 33 531 5546, 5644, FAX: +421 2 48 26 29 17


Procurement ref: 6786-IFT-9639

Project number: 9639

Funding sources: BIDSF

Contract type: Project goods, works and services

Notice type: Invitation for tenders

Issue date: 19 Sept 2012

Closing date: 13 Nov 2012 10:00AM Local time

The objective of the C16.1 project is to prepare below listed buildings for their use as storage areas or as external storage areas for waste (in accordance with the Act No. 223/2001 Coll. on wastes as amended and with the regulation of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic No. 284/2001 Coll., establishing the Wastes catalogue):

Building 760-II.3/4/5:V1 (Maintenance Training Centre) for buffer storage of conventional (non contaminated) large components and packaged forms,

Building 740-VII.1A:V1 (Workshop for Machinery) for buffer storage of conventional non-hazardous waste,

Building 760-I.3:V1 (Workshop-abrasive plant) for storage of spare parts and tools for maintenance purposes and eventually for the operation of the cable recycling plant (provided in the frame of different BIDSF project),

Building 760-III.1:V1 (Workshop on V1 site) for buffer storage of small quantities of oils and chemical waste,

External area for open-air storage of soil, construction debris materials, containers and for parking of vehicles.

Main project tasks to be addressed are as follows:

· Elaboration of the project documentation, including the Detailed Work Plan;

· Elaboration of other documentation required for the project implementation, such as the safety documentation, documentation for hazardous waste management, if such waste occurs;

· Preparatory and auxiliary works:

– Establishment of waste management areas (mainly areas for containers in which the waste will be transported to the specified location).

– Sorting waste according to its type.

– Transportation of the produced waste to the specified location, where the materials will be reused, recycled or disposed of.

· Buildings modification works (conditioning).

The Contractor shall perform all buildings and area conditioning activities, as well as the related waste management activities, within the V1 Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) Bohunice site.

Procurement will be carried out in accordance with EBRD Procurement Policies and Rules with the exception of country eligibility restrictions defined within the BIDSF rules, see: for details.

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