The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) said on 16 December that there were no serious process failures at Canada’s NPPs in 2015 and no member of the public or nuclear plant worker received a radiation dose that exceeded the regulatory limit. CNSC’s regulatory oversight report for 2015 reported no NPP events above Level 0 on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES). The frequency and severity of non-radiological injuries to workers were “minimal” and no radiological releases to the environment from the stations exceeded the regulatory limits. All nuclear plants received “safety and control area” (SCA) ratings of either “fully satisfactory” or “satisfactory”. There were 19 “fully satisfactory” ratings across the stations, a net increase of five compared to the 14 “fully satisfactory” ratings reported in 2014. The operating performance rating for Bruce A and Pickering, the safety analysis rating for Darlington and Pickering, the conventional health and safety rating for Darlington and Pickering, and the waste management rating for Pickering all improved to “fully satisfactory” in 2015 from “satisfactory” in 2014. Both Darlington and Pickering had their ratings for security decrease from “fully satisfactory” in 2014 to “satisfactory” in 2015. Canada has 19 commercial nuclear units that provide about 17% of its electricity.