China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN) has released its 2023 Sustainable Development Report at a press conference in Paris. The report was presented in three languages, Chinese, English, and French. CGN Director Li Li noted that, as an international clean energy company, CGN “is committed to nuclear power as its cornerstone while actively pursuing the development of clean energy sources including nuclear, wind, and solar power”.

The event was also attended by Jean Philippe Dugoin-Clément, vice president of the Regional Council of Île-de-France (Paris); Bernard le Guen, vice-president for international nuclear energy projects at Électricité de France (EDF); Jan Noterdaeme, co-founder of CSR Europe (European Business Network for Corporate Sustainability & Responsibility); Michel Derdevet, associate professor and lecturer at Sciences Po and professor at the College of Europe; Guillaume Moukala Same, economic research analyst at Paris-based think tank Asterès; Li Wenguo, secretary-general of the France-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry; as well as representatives from Chinese-funded institutions in France, CGN’s international partners and journalists from leading media outlets.

CGN currently supplies clean electricity to 15 countries and regions worldwide, including key projects in France, Malaysia, and Brazil. From 2018 to 2022, CGN said its facilities outside China generated 237.8 GWh of clean electricity, equivalent to a reduction in standard coal consumption of 71.697m tonnes and the afforestation of an area spanning 535,100 hectares.

During the press conference, EDF’s Bernard le Guen shared photos of his work in China, highlighting the long-standing friendship between EDF and CGN. Jan Noterdaeme provided a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of CGN's Sustainable Development Report, emphasising the crucial role of biodiversity and environmental protection in CGN's sustainable development roadmap.

Michel Derdevet, speaking during a panel discussion, explained the significance of Sino-French cooperation and the close relationship between nuclear energy and Europe. "Cooperation between Europe and China in nuclear technology presents an opportunity for a rapid transition from fossil fuels to the extensive development of wind, photovoltaic, and nuclear power,” he said. “Given the long-standing history of nuclear cooperation between France and China, the development of this partnership is vital for jointly constructing a sustainable energy future."

Image: China General Nuclear Power Group released its 2023 Sustainable Development Report at a recent press conference in Paris, France (courtesy of CGN)